Team Revolution it is a bold name for this team the perfect name Danilo. He is the team leader for Team Revolution. We call Danilo the five star general. God hand picked him for this purpose. God has opened the door to 26 countries all in the danger zone, places where most people don't dare travel. Currently The Feed My Sheep Discipleship Training Program has invaded several of the countries underground. Danilo goes into the country well prepared with contacts and meets with these groups giving them power discipleship training and leaving them the discipleship material. He will generally set up a team if possible in the north the south the east and the west especially in the capital. In these countries which are extremely dangerous and all our work is underground, God is bringing in an astonishing and amazing harvest. It is definitely harvest time. People are coming from every corner to receive discipleship training not only the Christians who have been quiet but God is no respecter of persons . Christ died for the sins of the world. The Holy Spirit has crossed all denominations, barriers, and faiths, bringing people, hungry people, seeking the Lord from every walk of life. Truly we are blessed as we watch the power of God go before the teams that Danilo set up in these countries and do the impossible. We see the Holy Spirit the mighty Rushing wind moving through these countries. It Is humbling to see these people come together risking everything. Some come to receive Christ, others to be discipled. Their hunger and thirst for the Word of God in comparison to what we see in North America, really there are no words. On the one hand we are blessed abundantly to see this amazing harvest field coming into the kingdom and on the other hand if we're honest North America is so far from being hungry or thirsty for the things of God. We never post any pictures from these countries on our website or Facebook as it is too dangerous to do so. But I do get to see the many groups that have formed in these different countries and the enthusiasm and love on their faces simply blesses our heart. When we say harvest we are not talking a handful or even a few hundred, by the grace of God we we are talking thousands. Danilo and I discussed the possibility of entering these countries. He reminded me of Caleb when Joshua asked Caleb about the most dangerous territory if he was able to take it and he said I am well able. Truly this reminds me of Danilo. He is a blessing to the body of Christ and should be a serious eye-opener for us all. One man who had a vision and took a step of faith, kind of like crossing the Jordan River, stepping into the unknown and dangerous territory but the Holy Spirit went before him, and opened all the doors bringing in an amazing harvest. Every one of us has been given a purpose by God Almighty if we are born again we have gifts of the Holy Spirit which will enable us to fulfil the purpose for which we were born. We look at big ministries here and mega churches and think there is a lot of wonderful activity taking place. But ask yourself what really is taking place? Whatever it is it costs generally millions, and where is the fruit, even in the neighborhood, even in the midst of the congregation? God does not need millions or mega churches to bring in the harvest. He Is looking for willing hearts that will hear his voice. Moses delivered millions from Egyptian bondage, how about David and the giant, or Gideon, or 12 apostles? God is looking for those who will hear his voice take a step of faith and watch what he will do. Not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord of hosts. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in these dangerous countries that God will continue to hide them under the shadow of his wing and send more and more labourers into His harvest. We are blessed to be labourers together with our brothers and sisters in the harvest field. Every praise is to our God.


