One day as I sat at the computer I realized that North America was very difficult territory.  We had made several attempts to disciple teams for a couple of years.  They weren’t ready, they didn’t recognize their depravity.  I knew there was an abundant harvest somewhere as I sat at the computer I cried out to God once again, deep unto deep.  I said, God, show me the harvest field. As I sat with my eyes closed praying, I opened my eyes and on the screen was a page I never saw before.  I didn’t go there.  I hadn’t moved.  Just praying.  As I stared at this page the Holy Spirit was all over me.  I said, what are you showing me God? There was a young man, standing in flood waters with his hands raised to heaven obviously praying with a small group of children also praying.  I sent him an email and asked him if he would tell me a little bit about his ministry.  He told me this was his little gospel village and he borrowed money to give the children a meal for Christmas.  He hadn’t eaten for 3 days and he didn’t ask for money, but simply asked for prayer as they were in flood waters and there was no work.  I said to Michelle my partner in Feed My Sheep that we should send a little gift and we agreed to send out $100 and so began the miraculous blessing in Bangladesh. We could actually write a book on the many amazing experiences in Bangladesh so far at the hand of God.  We are not non-profit and we never ask for funds so many of the miracles are humanitarian projects as led by God.  To date God built an orphanage, a church, a discipleship training center where it has become home to the Bread of Life Kids.  That in itself is a beautiful love story by the hand of God.  So far there are almost 3000 children in Sunday Schools in the outcast villages all with parents approval and all the children know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.  One Sunday School Teachers Team has been raised up to take the Sunday School Program to the 3000 children and only by the mercy and grace of God could this continue to be an ongoing, flourishing, mission field by the hand of God. Thiofil Gazi the young man who was standing in flood waters was hand picked by God for an amazing work in Bangladesh.  I discipled him page by page, word by word with his broken English that God opened the language to both of us in an amazing way, The Program was already in him, he just need it put together.  He received it right away and he began to teach it.  Today he has 17 discipleship training teams from all walks of life.  One in India and several zoom teams online.  It is impossible for us as we said, we could write a book on Bangladesh to tell of God’s hand of blessing in every area. His hand has reached out mentally, physically and spiritually, building the whole person. Pastors have been raised up, congregations, many districts receiving teaching.  It is not an exaggeration when there are 3000 children alone who have received Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour to say that thousands upon thousands of hearts and lives have been changed for God’s Glory and it just keeps growing.  Yes we are overwhelmed and it is a good example to others when God tells you to take a step of faith and see what the Lord will do.  EVERY PRAISE IS TO OUR GOD. At the same time as Bangladesh began to rise God was raising up Team Revolution for the danger zone. It is most defiantly an exciting journey. Follow us as we go underground into the heart of Team Revolution.

Feed My Sheep continues to grow beyond anything we ever imagined in Bangladesh. These few photos are just a tiny glimpse of the abundant blessing God has poured out. Every Praise Is To Our God.



