There are no words to describe the miraculous way that God is using Feed My Sheep Discipleship Training to make disciples who will make disciples and to bring in The Harvest Field.  Quit a few years ago approx. 2006 The Holy Spirit began to move heavily upon me.  I’m currently 71 years old. I have a relationship with The Lord for at least 65 years and have seen His mighty hand at work in ways that are beyond human understanding.  Having been involved in many ministries over the years in different capacities I knew the time had come that we needed a revolution in our midst.  Every Sunday the Holy Spirit would begin to move in our midst, and the pastor would shut it done with advertisements.  I went home deeply troubled and I cried out to God deep unto deep and I hope all of you know what that means.  I asked God, what’s the matter with your children Lord?  The body of Christ should be the most powerful body on the face of the earth, but they are floundering.  Immediately The Holy Spirit said, They Have Not Been Discipled. I knew the voice. I knew that was the answer. I said, what do you want me to do God?  The Holy Spirit said, Disciple the NationThe Holy Nation.  I raised my hands to Heaven and I said, I accept God, the only qualifications I will offer is The Holy Spirit and you will have to give it to me and He did.  The hardest ground is Canada and a close second is the United States.  To date God has opened the door to 26 countries and we are active in 16, some are underground in the danger zone.  But we are watching God change hearts and lives and bring in the harvest.  Not by a handful, but by thousands.  Only by the hand of God. Read on as you see the miraculous way that God is raising a remnant army who are discipling The Holy Nation, sending forth laborers to bring in the harvest.  Come follow us as we walk through the amazing miracles as God mighty hand opened the door in Bangladesh.

Take a step of faith and see what the Lord will do.
